Simple Tips to Increase Metabolism


Changing the food that we consume into energy efficiently in a particular time period is known as metabolism. Increase in metabolism can help you in losing weight. To make it clearer, we can say that metabolism is the rate at which our body burns calories or the speed at which body works to burn the food that we eat. Many factors are influence out metabolic rate. We have noticed, that some people have very fast metabolism and never put on weight, though they don’t restrict their diet much. We can say they are really lucky. Metabolic increase can give you a healthier and better functioning body.

Factors that mainly influence our metabolic rate include our age, heredity, sex, activity, weight and current physical condition. If you have thyroid disorder, your metabolism will be either slow or too fast. After the age of 40, metabolism decreases gradually.

Exercise and Diet

Proper diet and exercise can increase your metabolism. The first step you should take in order to increase your metabolism is to exercise daily. Even a 30 minutes brisk walk can help. When we exercise, our body requires more energy, and to supply it our metabolism increases. Secondly your food habit is the main factor that affects metabolism. When we eat nutritious food, our body responds in a positive way by increasing our metabolism which in turn helps us to reduce our weight by burning extra calories. Healthy breakfast, which is the most important meal of the day, gives you a jump start and boosts your metabolism.

Proteins and Complex Carbohydrates

Foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates and proteins can increase the rate of metabolism because these foods need more energy for the body to use them, thus making the body work a lot harder. This type of food takes longer time to break down by the body’s digestive system. Thus the energy also spreads out for longer period of time. Stay away from greasy and heavy foods which slow down metabolism.

Multiple Small Meals

Eating several smaller meals a day can help in increasing your metabolism. The best way is to eat three healthy and nutritious meals each day and healthy snacks in between them. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables which are rich source of carbohydrates and high in fiber. Our metabolic rate goes higher when we incorporate them in our meals. Increase in metabolism can help burn away excess fat and keep your slim and trim.

How To Change Your Eating Habits To A Cholesterol Lowering Diet


Cholesterol is produced naturally in the body due to the effect of foods that we consume in our diet. Having normal cholesterol levels in the body is natural, but if you consume too many wrong kinds of foods, then your body will start accumulating the bad cholesterol in the body. This excess amount of bad cholesterol in the body can bring about various negative effects to your heart as well as overall health. The best cholesterol lowering diet is the one that includes foods rich in unsaturated fats, fibers, phytosterols, and antioxidants. Having a diet containing these natural ingredients can be quite helpful in lowering cholesterol levels.

Diet for Lowering Cholesterol Levels

Consuming the right diet is extremely important for lowering cholesterol in the body. Given below is a typical cholesterol lowering diet and food items which can protect your heart by reducing cholesterol.

1. Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are extremely heart healthy and can reduce the level of blood pressure as well as the risk of having blood clots. It can be found in abundant amounts in fatty fishes such as herring, mackerel, sardines, Salmon, Lake trout, Halibut, and albacore tuna. In fact, eating these are the fishes or fish oil can also reduce the threat of sudden death in people who have already suffered from heart attacks in the past. Grill or bake the fish to avoid adding harmful fats. Omega-3 fatty acids can also be obtained from canola oil or ground flaxseeds.

2. High Fiber Foods – Oatmeal and Oat Bran

Oatmeal comprises of soluble fibers that can reduce the LDL cholesterol, which is the bad cholesterol. These soluble fibers can also be found in foods like apples, pears, kidney beans, prunes, and barley. Soluble fibers help in reducing cholesterol absorption in our bloodstream. Consuming just 10 grams of fiber in a day can reduce the LDL as well as overall cholesterol in the body. Eating a cup of oatmeal provides us with about 6 grams fiber, and adding fruits like bananas can increase the fiber level to 10 grams. To bring some variation, you can go for a cholesterol lowering diet in the form of cold cereals made using oat bran or steel cut oatmeal.

3. Olive oil

Olive oil comprises of powerful antioxidants which can lower the LDL cholesterol, but leave the HDL cholesterol untouched. Most dietitians would recommend you to take 2 tablespoons of olive oil each day instead of other fats. Olive oil can be used in your diet by sautéing vegetables in it, adding to marinate, or using as salad dressing. It can also be used to substitute butter for basting meat or chicken. Using extra virgin olive oil makes the cholesterol-lowering effects of this oil even higher.

4. Foods with additional stanols or plant sterols

Foods fortified with Stanols or sterols help in blocking absorption of cholesterol. Yogurt drinks, margarines, or orange juice mixed with additional plant sterols can reduce the level of LDL cholesterol by over 10%.

5. Nuts like almonds and walnuts

Almonds, walnuts and other such nuts can reduce the level of blood cholesterol to a great extent. Walnuts also keep the blood vessels healthy as they contain abundant amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Eating a handful of nuts including almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pecans, walnuts and pistachios can reduce the risk of heart ailments. Make sure to eat the nuts raw, not the ones roasted in sugar or salt.

So, eat a cholesterol lowering diet that is low on trans-fats and saturated fats to reduce overall cholesterol levels in the body.

How Positive Psychology Acts As A More Permanent Solution To Problems


After going through a hurtful situation in life such as death of a loved one, failure in something important or psychological abuse, it can become extremely difficult to lead normal lives. We often end up discouraged and fearful of facing the future. In such situations when one loses hope in life, positive psychology helps a lot in reviving oneself and leading a happy life once again. Due to this, it is often referred to as ‘Science of Happiness’.

Positive psychology is a practice that enables a person to understand their virtues and strengths and get on with their normal lives. It focuses on different areas of life such as joy, hope, optimism, grit, resilience, awe, happiness, strengths, humor, flow and prayer. It helps the affected person to change their thinking and lead a fulfilling and meaningful life. It assists them in improving their self esteem as well as in maximizing their potential. Positive psychology broadly focuses on three fields: positive emotions, positive institutions and positive individual traits.

Positive emotion implies reminding the affected person of the contentment in the past, joys of the present as well as the hope in future. To be happy, a person needs to accept the happenings in the past and be ready to lead a positive life. Positive individual traits refer to understanding the strength of the individual and encouraging them to emphasize on whatever they do best. Thus, therapists and psychologists use the practice of positive psychology to help their clients capitalize on their strengths and find meaning in life.

According to researches conducted on benefits of positive psychology, it has been seen that when a person engages in any work that utilizes their strength, they are not just more productive but also a lot happier. This is how positive psychology works for the betterment of a person. But for it to work effectively, positive psychology must be more descriptive than prescriptive. This means that rather than telling people what to do in their lives, it is better to describe what the research on the topic says. It is more effective to make people aware that qualities like gratitude, resilience and prayer have a positive effect on people’s lives.

Therefore, if you too are suffering from such a problem, visit any institution that has specialists dealing in positive psychology and you will be able to recover completely. Always remember that problems are part of our lives and we must learn to go through them positively.

Reviews of Top 5 Hot Chocolate Makers


Hot chocolate is one of the most delicious beverages and a great drink that people enjoy throughout the world. However, it is not simple enough to make a delectable and creamy morsel of this wonderful chocolate drink every time you try. To make the task of making a mouth-watering cup of hot chocolate a lot easier, the hot chocolate maker helps a great deal. Let us take a look at the top 5 hot chocolate makers that are available in the market these days and are preferred by most people over other brands.

Bialetti Ciocclatiera Hot Chocolate Maker

This wonderful device makes easy the task of preparing hot chocolate with a lot of consistency and high quality results. It can be said that with the Bialetti Ciocclatiera Hot chocolate maker, preparing hot chocolate becomes an ergonomic dream. This is considered to be one of the best hot chocolate makers as is makes a delicious cup of creamy and smooth hot chocolate in very little time with high consistency. It comes with an additional attachment that froths the milk to deliver a hot chocolate with a thick froth.

To prepare hot chocolate in this device, all you need to do is fill the pot with the required amount of milk, add chocolate and set the timer. In no time, you will end up smooth and creamy mug of hot chocolate. The great thing about this device is that it always gives consistent results irrespective of the kind of ingredients that you use – powdered cocoa, chunky chocolate, chocolate chips or shaved chocolate.

Cocomation Hot Chocolate Maker

With the Cocomation Hot Chocolate Maker, there is no need to worry about overflowing and overheated milk or scorched pans and stained stovetops. In this device, the milk is heated till the right temperature only and you can get up to 4 cups of thick and frothy hot chocolate in a matter of few minutes. You can use any liquid of your preference for making the hot chocolate such as milk or water.

Bodum Hot Chocolate Maker

The Bodum Hot Chocolate Maker comes with a unique piston system that helps in whipping the hot chocolate and producing a rich and creamy froth layer on your most loved cup of hot chocolate. It is made using borosilicate glass that is resistant to both high as well as low temperature. It is suitable for use by both kinds as well as grown ups to get their loved mug of hot chocolate the way they like.

Tassimo Hot Chocolate Maker

The Tassimo Hot Chocolate Maker comes with special pods known as T-Discs that are capable of brewing drinks like hot chocolate on their own. It contains a specific amount of dry milk and chocolate in the disc which brews a delicious drink of hot chocolate when milk or water is added to it.

Euro Cuisine Electric Beverage Maker

This hot chocolate maker prepares hot chocolate by heating, mixing and whipping cocoa with milk or water just by press of a button. The resultant drink is of the right temperature and there is no threat of over boiling. It comes with an automatic shutdown facility that makes it extremely safe for use. This device can be used to make other drinks like cappuccino, latte and tea as well.

4 Best Video Gadgets For Your Vehicle


When we think about making our cars more appealing, the very first thing that comes to mind is adding the best gadgets in it. With such a huge variety of car gadgets available in the market today, you will find that many of these gadgets are completely useless and not worth the money. However, there are a few great inventions that truly make driving a car a lot more fun. One such category of gadget that interests most of the drivers these days is video gadgets for the vehicle that can make even the most boring drive a lot more interesting. Here are is a list of some of the best video gadgets for your car available in the market today.

Sirius Backseat TV

This is a revolutionary mobile entertainment service comprising of Sirius Tuning hardware along with a monthly subscription offering great programs for both kids as well as adults. At present, it comes preinstalled exclusively in the latest Dodge, Chrysler and Jeep vehicles. Users need to pay $470 for getting the receiver along with the cost of first year of its service. However, the device can also be installed on other vehicles just like a car stereo system. This backseat TV includes a child-friendly remote control as well that allow the backseat viewers to choose and switch between the different channels.

Night Vision – BMW 5-Series

The Night Vision gadget can make the task of driving at night time in the dark a lot more comfortable and relaxing. This system is capable of detecting any animals or pedestrians that may be present in the range of up to 300 meters in front of the vehicle due to the presence of an infrared camera which transmits a high contrast and clear image in the device’s Control Display. In fact, it can identify and retort to any hazards even before the objects comes in range of the vehicle’s headlights.

XO Vision Overhead Monitor

The XO vision overhead monitor transforms your car into a mobile theater for watching movies on the go. The best part about the overhead monitor is that its position helps in keeping it out of the reach of the little ones. The device comes with a 9-inch display screen and is capable of playing DVDs. The audio is transmitted through the car’s speakers. Other helpful features of the device include SD card and USB slots along with AV input for attaching other electronic devices as well.

Pioneer NavGate AVIC-F9110BT

This is a revolutionary multimedia and navigation center for a wide range of Skoda, VW and Seat cars. It is an all-in-one device that offers 5.8 inch WVGA screen with touch panel and a voice guided GPS comprising of built-in TeleAtlas maps with more than 1.7 million interest points as well as traffic info.

The device is capable of displaying videos through USB devices, DVDs as well as SD cards as well as audio through CDs. It is also possible to hook up iPod to the device thanks to the optional cable that is provided along with it. The presence of Parrot Bluetooth module allows users to connect their phones to the system for wireless calls.

Seedbox: A Perfect Tool For Your Torrenting Needs


A seedbox is a wonderful asset for anyone who uses torrent regularly for uploading, downloading, and sharing digital files. The choice of seedbox mainly depends on two factors, the bandwidth that it provides, and the server up-time. Today, with the high speed processors, large disk drive volume, RAM, and dedicated ultra-high speed internet connections have made the operation of seedboxes even more beneficial.

The use of seedbox for uploading, downloading, and sharing digital files offers various advantages over traditional methods of accomplishing the same. Some of the biggest benefits of using seedbox include:

• A large number of different protocols can be used to download digital files through seedboxes. These include FTP, HTTP, rsync servers and many more protocols, which can serve as a great solution for high speed networking through the use of bit torrent servers. One of the biggest benefits of using seedboxes is that they can run successfully in all operating systems including macbook and windows.

• Another big advantage of seedbox is its ability of running through remote desktop, which makes it quick as well as easily accessible by most people. Seedboxes helps the BitTorrent files as well as other P2P files to get a bigger portion of the bandwidth that is available. Thus, it makes the process of downloading big sized files much faster.

• Some of the seedboxes allow torrents clients to run their web interface with the help of their servers. These portals are the ones which are used for the downloading and uploading of files. To help in making smooth portability possible, the users should have speedier interfaces which are easy to operate as well.

• These days, mobile internet connectivity can also be achieved by using seedbox servers. This has made possible the achievement of various revolutionary changes in the field of large size digital file transfer. Though it has been used for transferring files for a long time now, but they could upload only small files of size below 25 MB in the past. However, seedboxes have made it possible to transfer files of several GB size over the mobile internet connection.

• With the use of seedbox, it has also become possible to maintain the download and upload ratio over 1. Thus, it enables users to upload as well as download files over the same interface simultaneously. Due to this, private torrent trackers usually make use of seedboxes for keeping a track of the same. Another huge advantage of using seedbox is the ability of these machines to circumvent private issues or issues related to restrictions of downloading.

• By using seedbox servers, there is no restriction on the number and kind of files that a user can download. All files are deemed legal once they are linked with seedboxes, thus it eliminates all hassles associated with the issues of uploading and downloading.

With so many wonderful benefits of using seedboxes for downloading, uploading, and sharing of digital files, their popularity is bound to increase even more in the times to come.

Top Most Indian Luxury Trains in the World


When we think about luxury trains, the first thing that comes to our mind is the image of a train compartment with 5-star amenities, sophisticated interiors and a picturesque trail of some of the most alluring and attractive destinations. Going on a voyage on board a luxury train is a wonderful and unique way of experiencing the pleasures of elegant travelling. A large number of luxury trains are operating in different parts of the world today. Each of these trains promises to take us on an enthralling and captivating journey across some of the most fascinating destinations. A number of Indian Luxury Trains have made it to the list of the top opulent trains in the world as they offer world-class service along with the highest quality luxurious amenities.

Maharajas Express

Being the most expensive luxury train service across the world, Maharajas Express will leave you spell bound from the moment you step on to it. It is equipped with all modern extravagant facilities along with traditional Indian hospitality to give you an unrivaled 5-star hotel experience. The guests are offered the choice between 3 different itineraries including Royal India, Princely India and Classic India. The train comprises of 23 elegantly designed cabins comprising of 5 deluxe carriages, 2 suite cabins, 6 junior suite cabins and 1 exclusive presidential suite. It also houses two debonair restaurants as well as a fully-equipped bar to delight the gourmands. You can take your pick from a wide array of cuisines from across the globe.

Palace on Wheels

Voted as the fourth best luxury train, Palace on Wheels offers superlative travel experience to its guests across a number of majestic destinations across Rajasthan, India. This opulent vehicle comprises of 14 plush cabins, a well-stocked bar, 2 restaurants offers ethnic décor and cuisine as well as a beautiful lounge and a spa salon.

The Indian Maharaja

The Indian Maharaja Luxury train is considered to be one of the top most luxury trains in the world. Comprising of 21 well-furnished train coaches, it offers highest quality personalized service to all its travelers. A variety of recreations and health facilities are also provided on the train that helps the guests to rejuvenate their mind, body and soul.

10 Must See Travel Attractions in India


India is known throughout the world for its great history and unique cultures bringing together multitudes of cultures and religions. It is undoubtedly a land apart, filled with different colors, mysteries and exotics. By visiting this country, you will be able to witness a variety of festivals, customs, religions, sounds as well as sights. Not just this, the amazing country comprises of various natural splendors like Himalayas on the extreme north, thriving tropical jungles with exotic wildlife and a splendid coastline with golden beaches in the south.

If you are planning to visit India on your next vacation, here is a list of 10 must see travel attractions in the country.

1. Agra (Taj Mahal)

Everyone who has heard about India would surely have heard about the magnificent Taj Mahal. It took twenty one years of hard work by over a thousand skilled workmen to build up this amazing monument signifying eternal love. It was actually built by the Mogul Emperor named Shah Jahan in loving memory of his late wife Mumtaz Mahal. The monument is world-renowned for its structural as well as aesthetic perfection. Its design is based on Garden of Paradise, a well known Islamic concept. The city also houses various other travel destinations such as Fatehpur Sikri, Agra fort, and Akbar’s Tomb. Many of these monuments are World heritage sites.

Situated at a distance of 200 kms from Delhi, it is easily accessible by road, rail and air. Here you can also find hotels to suit every budget, ranging from cheap hotels to luxury ones.

2. Khajuraho

Khajuraho, the second most frequented place in India, by tourists from all around the world, is a place comprising of numerous temples featuring ancient erotic sculptures. It is located in the state of Madhya Pradesh in central India. These temples are known throughout the world for their uninhibited carvings and sculptures depicting different sexual acts, and erotic carvings and sculptures. These temples are built using sandstones and feature extremely precise and metaphorical carvings, down to the level of jewelry worn by these sculptures and figures.

3. Goa

Goa is well known all around the globe for its beautiful beaches. It is regularly frequented by both foreign as well as domestic tourists, particularly during the monsoon season. It is famous for its splendid beaches, unique history, amazing cuisine as well as rich culture. It offers multitude of activities to all its visitors from swimming, water sports, crab hunting, fishing, trekking and rocking nightlife. It is also quite famous for its spectacular parties during the Christmas and New Year holiday season. The amazing smells of the rain drenched soil in the country side is sure to blow your mind. Its ancient churches are also worth experiencing any day.

4. Delhi

Being the capital city, it is the heart of the country, comprising of everything that one can dream of in a city. The city comprises of various historical monuments like India Gate, Qutub Minar, Jama Masjid, Red Fort, Rashtrapati Bhawan, Lotus Temple, Akshardham Temple and other, many of them being in the list of World Heritage sites developed by UNESCO. Rashtrapati Bhawan is the official resident of the Indian President, as well as an architectural masterpiece. Cannaught Place, built by the British during their reign in India, is not the biggest hub for shopping in the city as well as the most important commercial center.

You can find all kinds of the hotels in the city, from cheap to expensive ones. The Indira Gandhi International Airport connects it to most major cities of the world through numerous flights.

5. Mumbai

Mumbai is the entertainment as well as the commercial centre of the country. It houses various famous Tourist spots including Gateway of India, Elephanta caves, Haji Ali mosque, and various beautiful beaches. It is popularly known as the city of million dreams, as well as the ‘city that never sleeps’. Being the financial capital of the country, it has made a distinct place for itself in the world map. It is well connected to the rest of the country as well as with the entire world through flights, road and railways. Whether you are visiting the city for business purposes or on vacation, you will not be disappointed as there is something for everyone here.

You can get a wide variety of choices when it comes to hotels and accommodation. You can choose a luxury hotel on the banks of Arabian Sea or a cheap hotel somewhere in the middle of the city.

6. Jaipur

Jaipur, the capital of the Western state of Rajasthan, houses a large number of tourist places and historical sites such as Amber fort, Hawa Mahal, Jal Mahal, Jantar Mantar, Jaigarh fort, Rambagh Palace and Chand Baori stepwell. Fondly known as ‘Pink city’, it is one of the most adored destinations of Rajasthan Tourism. It is world renowned for its magnificent havelis, historical forts, vivid festivals, vivacious culture, as well as delectable cuisine. It is visited by people from around the world to witness the royal legacy of Indian sovereigns of the bygone era.

7. Varanasi

Located on the bank of Ganges River, Varanasi is a pilgrimage place for the Hindus, Jains and Buddhists. The place is a good example of the opulence of Indian culture. It is also the center of learning and tradition, being one of the oldest inhibited cities in the world. It is known to be the place enshrining the true essence of Hinduism. The most important place to visit in the city is its Ghats offering a bathing platform in the Ganges River to the pilgrims. The Manikarnika Ghat, Tulsi Ghat and Dasaswamedh ghat are the most famous ones. The Kashi Vishwanath temple devoted to Lord Vishnu is the center of all pilgrim activities.

8. Kerala: God’s Own Country

Kerala, the enchantingly beautiful land, is fondly called God’s own country, due to its spectacular beauty. Its sandy beaches, amazing hills stations, blue lagoons, enchanting waterfalls, picturesque valleys and breathtaking backwaters make it the most popular tourist attraction, particularly for the honeymooners. A boat journey through the magical and tranquil backwaters in Kerala is sure to make your vacations the most memorable one.

You will be able to find all kinds of hotels in the city, ranging from basic cheap accommodations to resorts and 5 star boutiques. It is well connected with Mumbai and Delhi through daily flights.

9. Udaipur

Udaipur is rightly considered to be the most romantic city in India. It is an extremely charming city that captivates its visitors with various attractions like the City Palace Hotel, Lake Palace hotel, Jagdish temple and Sahelion ki Bari. Its skyline is filled with amazing temple spikes, traditional Indian architecture and domes, against the backdrop of Lake Pichola.

10. Ajanta and Ellora Caves

Located in the state of Maharastra, the Ajanta and Ellora Caves are a group of 34 caves comprising of Hindu, Jain and Buddhist temples and monasteries, built around the 10th century. The Ajanta caves have been carved out of a crescent shaped rock face, and contain various splendid art sculptures and paintings. The main attractions behind these caves is the incredibly detailed art work carved on walls within the caves, depicting Buddhist influenced construction and architecture. The oldest of these caves dates back to 200 BC.

These are just a few of the numerous tourist destinations in the beautiful country of India. The entire country is filled with beautiful palaces, forts, temples, monuments, churches, mosques, world heritage sites, waterfalls, beaches, wildlife sanctuaries and a lot more. A tour of the world can never be complete without visiting India and its various tourist destinations.

How to Make Glow Jars?


Glow jars work as a great decorative item and are ideal for creating a special atmosphere in parties and Halloween or for lighting up dark spaces. It is the perfect addition to any place that needs a little glow. If you have access to few simple items, glow jars are quite easy to create and don’t take much time. Here the few simple steps that you can follow to create your own glow jars.

1. Cut a highlighter open carefully and remove the ink cartridge (felt stick) present inside it. It would be a good idea to wear disposable gloves while doing this to avoid staining your hands.

2. Place the ink cartridge inside a jar of your preferred size. All you need is one ink cartridge per jar.

3. Fill up the glass jar with tap water. Swirl around the water a bit and then let it stand for about 24 hours to get best results.

4. On the next day, remove the highlighter cartridge and you will end up with a cool looking jar. Place the jar under black light and you will see a wonderful glow that can brighten up any stage, party or dark room corners.

Alternative Technique

In case you don’t have access to highlighter fluid, you can try adding small amounts of fluorescent poster paint into the jar with water. This technique works well with most of the brands of poster colors. In fact, glow-in-dark poster colors are also available these days which will make the jars glow for as little as 15 minutes after turning your lights off.

How To Make Gel Candles In Wine Glasses


Gel candles are beautiful pieces of decoration as well as wonderful gift items. Not only do they brighten up and beautify a place, they are quite easy to light as well. They burn out quite slowly, thus giving the candles a fairly long life. Another great thing about gel candles is that they are quite simple to make and fairly inexpensive. It is also possible to add different pleasant scents to them. In fact, you can easily make gel candles at home by using few easy to find supplies such as gel, fragrant oils for scent, dye for coloring, zinc wicks, and wine glasses. Follow the below mentioned instructions to learn how to make gel candles in wine glasses.

Though gel candles can be made in a variety of holders, but wine glasses makes them look extremely romantic, and work very well on dinner tables and sideboards. If you do not have wine glasses at home, you can also make use of shot glasses or champagne glasses as well. However, make sure not to use glasses that are too thin as they may not be able to withstand the heat of hot gel and end up cracking from different places. Read on to find out how to make gel candles in wine glasses.

How to Make Gel Candles in Wine Glasses

Supplies Required:

• wine glasses
• gel wax
• pre-tabbed wick
• double boiler
• measuring cup
• thermometer
• pencil or a thin dowel
• dye coloring and scent (optional)


1. Add water to the wine glass till it is almost full. Now take the water from the glass and pour into a measuring cup. Note the measurement as this will be the amount of wax you will require to make one gel candle.

2. Dry up the glasses properly, and then polish it using alcohol and a soft cloth to remove any existing traces of fingerprints and grease.

3. Tie a piece of pre-tabbed wick to a thin dowel or pencil and make sure that the tab sits in the glasses’ bottom. The pencil can make sure that the wick remains straight when it is balanced on the top of the glass.

4. Pour a little melted wax in the center of the glass and place the tabbed wick in place and hold for some time. Allow the wax to cool down. In this way, the wick will be positioned properly, and will remain in the glass’ center, attached to the cooled and hardened puddle of wax.

5. Now take the gel wax and cut into small pieces. Place these pieces on the top of a double boiler; heat this wax to a temperature of 200 degrees Fahrenheit. The high temperature will prevent the wax from forming bubbles. However, do not surpass this temperature for obvious safety reasons.

6. If you like, add scent and dye to this melted wax and combine them thoroughly.

7. Pour the melted gel wax in the wine glass; tilt the glass a bit while pouring to avoid bubble formation, but make it upright as the wax reaches the top.

8. Leave the wax to dry and cut off the wick to a length of ¼ inch. You can also use a hair dryer to leave the candle with a smooth finish. You can also add different embellishments such as wine charms, dried flowers, or silk to decorate the candles.

Now that you have learned how to make gel candles in wine glasses, you can make any occasion special by decorating your homes with these beautiful pieces of decoration.